
An exclusive and intimate 12-month business coaching mastermind with Candice Coppola for women in the wedding industry who want to level-up their business, make more money, and build a brand that gets noticed.

WeddingPro Insiders is a complete 360 business growth experience combining high-impact, customized coaching with in-depth training and a community of success-minded peers.

         ord on the street is you want to level-up your wedding biz, and that you're ready to stop doing business alone.

  ord on the street is you want to level-up your wedding biz, and that you're ready to stop doing business alone.


Spinning in frantic circles trying to wear all the hats in your business - marketer, salesperson, designer, bookkeeper - PLUS deliver an incredible service for your clients. It’s got you on the fast-track to burnout.....

You might be stuck in a place right now where you're...

Unsure how to get your name out there, hopping from one strategy to the next without any focus, chasing social media followers who will never be clients, or relying on old methods (like wedding directories) that aren’t working anymore

Hustling for every single lead, taking on clients who aren’t ideal, and saying yes to things you don’t want to do - just to bring in some revenue

Watching from the sidelines as your competitors get all the “good” clients, glamorous opportunities, and recognition for their work (at least that’s how it looks on Instagram)

Wondering when the “freedom and abundance” of working for yourself are supposed to kick in so you can finally just ENJOY yourself

Questioning every biz decision you make, wondering if you're making the "right" decisions in your business and always fearful you're one step away from making the "wrong decision."

Imagine having a business where you're...

no longer winging it everyday

and instead, you're in full control of your business. From client experience to time management and business process–growing your business feels intuitive and easy

Confident in all your business decisions

not afraid to take risks and knowing that you're moving in the right direction as you pursue YOUR dreams and goals

recognized as an industry leader

sought after for your incredible services, and running a truly successful, exciting business that supports your meaningful life

uplifted by a community of women

who are building their business right alongside you and want to see you succeed

Supported by a trusted biz coach

whose been where you've been and guides you on making the RIGHT decisions to grow your business

That's why I am personally inviting you to join me on a 12-month journey where you'll grow your business in community with other likeminded wedding pros....

Hold up — who just became your new business mentor?

Before selling my company in October of 2019 (to focus full-time on mentoring wedding pros like you), my team and I worked with hundreds of clients all over the world, from New York City to Fiji, Vermont to Costa Rica, celebrating moments that mattered in our clients' lives. 

Hey - I'm Candice! I built my wedding planning and design business, Jubilee Events, from zero to six-figures in the first 2 years.

I started Jubilee Events with NO experience, NO contacts, and none of the training or support that’s available in WeddingPro Insiders. Even so, I signed high-end clients from the very start of my business and produced events in excess of $1,000,000.

I went on to write and publish two books, get featured in countless publications, and build a team that supported my business - while I moved to Barbados and married the man of my dreams.

Let’s just say — I know what it takes to run a successful wedding industry business. 

I've been in the trenches, where you've been. I've bustled hundreds of dresses, laid down linens, kept the crazy under control, and busted my ass to build a successful business I was proud of.

My goal is to help you to achieve the same level of success in your business that I've been so fortunate to have in mine.

I also know how hard it is to be profitable in this industry. I've experienced many of the aches, pains, and challenges you're facing right now and learned how to move past them.  

My mission is to help you to achieve the same level of success in your business that I've been so fortunate to have in mine.

That is the heart behind every webinar I teach, every Instagram post I share, every course I create and every podcast episode I produce. It's also the heart behind this mastermind.

WeddingPro Insiders is the only intimate coaching mastermind designed exclusively for women in the wedding industry - by a 12-year industry veteran.

This is not a low-touch membership program or course - where you’re bombarded with information and then left to your own devices. 

And it’s not like other masterminds - where you get a 10-minute hot seat for a $20K+ investment.

WeddingPro Insiders is a complete 360 business growth experience combining high-level, customized coaching with in-depth training and a community of success-minded peers.

It’s everything you need to build a successful wedding business and push yourself to the next level.

WeddingPro Insiders have access to a variety of LIVE one-on-one coaching. Get customized feedback on all areas of your business, so that you can confidently make decisions.

Get individualized attention to ask questions, and get personalized advice to guide you through new ideas or existing problems so you are always moving forward.

Monthly Coaching


1-to-1 Coaching Calls

Personalized monthly group coaching calls

Mastermind office hour sessions

Quarterly workshops and "get it done" days

Plus individual critiques and more!


Get access to a library of on-demand, digital business trainings to go through at your own pace throughout the year. You’ll always be ready for the upcoming season and steps ahead of your competition. Inside your on-demand library you'll find trainings on everything from sales to marketing, team growth and goal setting.

On Demand Business Library

You’ll be surrounded by a group of other high achieving wedding pros in a safe space to share ideas, build your network, and get support from your peers 24/7. 

There’s growth that happens in a group that can’t occur when you’re going it alone. This community will become your sounding board, celebrate your wins, and be with you every step of the way.

Plus, you'll be surrounded by a group of high-achieving women who walk the walk and talk the talk. Imagine all the things you could accomplish with that kind of support.

You shouldn't have to do business alone, and when you're in WeddingPro Insiders, you'll never have to.

Supportive Community


weekly voxer access

Imagine being able to shoot me a voice note at any time to ask a quick question or get detailed feedback. It's like having me in your back pocket (literally) to navigate every challenge.

in-person retreat

As a member of the mastermind, the cost of attending our 2024 retreat is part of your mastermind experience. You will be responsible for your own travel and lodging.

ongoing workshops

Get together with your fellow mastermind members to take action on everything from  marketing, to goal planning, to SEO implementation. Our quarterly workshops are how you get more done.

business roadmap

Growing the kind of business you want can't be bought in a course. Your customized roadmap is created by both of us based on your business objectives–and it's how we measure our time together.

all access

Members of WPI get all access to every single training, course, swipe file, and done-for-you-content I've ever created... for FREE. While you're an active member, you'll get access to any new products we release.

guest experts

We bring in the best of the best to teach you about things like sales, SEO, and the legal side of your business. These guest expert trainings are one-of-a-kind and created JUST for our mastermind members.

Plus so much more...

Plus you get my unfiltered and honest advice about everything. And I mean everything.

When you're a member of WeddingPro Insiders, you get a built in business bestie whose always ready to listen and offer sage advice to keep you sane.

And if you think I drop truth bombs on my podcast, wait until you and I start talking about YOUR business on Voxer.

Imagine what it would be like to bounce ideas off your coach, or have a safe place to unload about difficult clients. I can guarantee you'll make decisions in your business a lot faster and feel like you finally have someone who *gets* you.

"It's been worth every penny to have Candice by my side as my "ace in the hole" - take my word for it. Candice benefitted my career immensely and I'm certain she'd do the same for you.

– rachel lynn, wedding planner & designer

"This is worth every penny."

"It's been worth every penny to have Candice by my side as my "ace in the hole" - take my word for it. Candice benefitted my career immensely and I'm certain she'd do the same for you.

– rachel lynn, wedding planner & designer

"This is worth every penny."

What would it feel like to have some of these wins in your business?

"This isn’t a program with just fluff basic knowledge, but rather personalized tactics for each member."

taylor hit 6-figures 

When I was interested in WPI, I expressed to Candice how important it was that I get true value from a mastermind, specifically one on one. I’ve been a part of other masterminds and coaching, and WPI has been by far the BEST INVESTMENT I’ve made professionally and personally. I hit 6 figures in my business within my second year of business. Focus less on scarcity and more on intentional moves in my business. I’ve set better boundaries in my business. I’ve actually taken time off to reset and recharge. I’ve had my biggest months of sales while in WPI. I grew my team and started to scale.

"Because of Candice and her guidance, I've seen significant growth in the money I make, the time I save, and some amazing mindset shifts that have occurred because of her support."

syd is doing big things

RUN, don't walk to join WPI! Candice has a big sister mentality and while she can give it to us tough regarding business matters, she offers immeasurable amounts of wisdom and encouragement that truly makes me a stronger female entrepreneur. Thank you for everything you've done for me and others within WPI!

Had their highest grossing sales month, ever (we're talking $35K+).

The proof is in the results...

Booked their highest paying client EVER (+ gained the confidence to charge the most they've ever charged).



here are just some of the results our insiders have gotten:

Finally and successfully launched that thing they've always wanted to do (course, podcasts + more!)


Quadrupled business with a booked out calendar of high paying clients.


Kicked corporate to the curb and left their 9/5 because they knew they could match their corporate salary with their business profits...


Are you ready to stop doing business alone and instead,

start designing a business that you love?

I know you're feeling called to grow your business with the support you deserve. Are you ready to apply and join us inside WeddingPro Insiders?

Imagine where you could be 3, 6, or 12 months from now if you decided to make a big change in your biz.

OK, but is this *just* for wedding planners?

WeddingPro Insiders is for ALL types of wedding professionals. There is a lot we can learn from each other across the industry - and it's invaluable to gain fresh insights from vendors outside your vendor category. WeddingPro Insiders is perfect for...





Invitation Designers


Content Creators


Hair Stylists & Makeup Artists

Wedding Pro Educators

Pro's Who Serve (VA's, Marketing Strategists & More)

Rental Companies

Cake Designers

You know what it's like to play small, but you also know no one has done anything great by staying quiet. You're ready to step into your business and your role as CEO. It's time for the industry to hear your voice, so let's make some noise.

Ready To Stop Playing Small

We can't silo our business and our lives, and inside this mastermind, we don't. We encourage our members to show up, be brave, and talk about their business and their life. When you're committed to showing up fully, you're also committed to showing up imperfectly.

Committed To Showing Up Fully As Yourself

It's time for coaching when you want to get out of the cycle of staying in the same place and push yourself in new directions. You know it's time for you to hire a team, find the freedom that got you into this business, and create an impact on your clients and our industry.

Growing A Business Not Running A Business

You don't mess around when it comes to these values in your business and our industry. The world, wedding industry, and YOUR business is a colorful, diverse place– and you're here to keep making it better.

Core Values Include Diversity & Inclusion

You're no tire kicker and you know that coaching is an investment - not just in the money you spend - but in your time. Our diverse group of women entrepreneurs show up for their business every day with grit, determination and enthusiasm. You are one of them.

In It To Do The Hard (+Heart) Work

You fully embrace that you don't have the answers and you're here to learn a new way of doing things. Listening to other perspectives and learning from someone's life experience fires you up.

All About New Ways Of Doing Business

Are you nodding your head because we just described you to a "T"? 

Then it's time for you to apply to join WPI. You sound like you're ready to take your business to the next level - and all you need is the support system to get you there.

Ready to join WPI? Here's what happens next...

apply to join wpi

We want to make sure the mastermind is the *perfect* fit for you and your business. Fill out the waitlist form below to get more details about how to apply for the mastermind.

we'll send you an email with details

After you fill out the form below, I'll email you over some preliminary details. If you're serious about wanting to apply, please follow the instructions in the email!

accept your spot into wpi

If we think we're the right match, we'll send you more details about securing your spot inside the mastermind. WPI is by application only and spaces are extremely limited.

celebrate! it's time to get started

You've just joined the *BEST* community mastermind for wedding pros. You'll have INSTANT access to all the support, training, and coaching you need to start growing your wedding business.





Joining WeddingPro Insiders is by application only.

It's important to me that WeddingPro Insiders is the right fit for you and your unique business. To apply for a seat in the mastermind please sign up for the waitlist below and we'll email you more details, including how to apply and the mastermind costs.